Our Work
Time for Art offers art workshops delivered by a skilled and qualified art tutor.
Through these workshops participants gain:
1. Pleasure and enjoyment.
2. Empowerment,
Workshop participants will gain personal confidence through interaction with others.
3. Increased self esteem,
Taking part in creative activity helps people gain and develop their own voice. Mutual peer support also helps people to feel involved and connected to others in positive ways.
4. Life skills,
Workshops are participatory and therefore participants will gain experience of working as a team. In addition they will acquire artistic and craft skills they can utilise in the future.
5. Processing trauma
Undertaking art projects can act as a vehicle to release and process emotions.
Time for art is a secular charity but tutors are sensitive to the needs of the groups both socially and culturally.
Tutors will enable the participants to engage fully and tailor each workshop to the needs of the participants.
The art activities take place in the institution in which the participants live or in a venue appropriate for the activities and close to or within the community of the persons it is to benefit.
Workshops for street children will take place in the institution in the country in which they reside.